Ow. And maybe, groan, too. I'd forgotten the fact your legs ache all the time when you train six days a week. And has anyone ever mentioned it's a bit hilly in the Bay Area? Finally gotten back to the place where every run doesn't feel like utter hell, but my pace is sloooowww (10-12min/mile) still. Speed is next week's challenge.
This plan has one less run, but two more cross training sessions than the last one I followed. It's a bit of a relief, because four runs a week is a challenge timewise, since I can't run after dark in Oakland. Way too high a chance of rape, pillage and/or murder. Not even kidding.
Fri - 3 mile tempo run (these universally suck)
Sat- Rest
Sun - Circuit training / 5.5 mile long run
Mon - Circuit / 3.5 mile 1 min intervals
Tues - Yoga
Wed - Circuit
Any tips for improving pace? Or soothing aching legs?